This series is called "The Circumstances of Our Making” and encompasses 4 paintings that are allegorical warnings to the health of our planet and the survival of mankind. The works are modern devotional retablos that use words to give deeper meaning to the stories and references. They are mystical expressions of change.

Earth: “Healers of the Earth” This is a hopeful exploration of how mycelium and its use by healers will help us better understand the language of nature and the possibilities of mending humankind’s poisoning of the earth. The Pietà represents the height of western artistic expression and civilization. Western European Society’s failure and it’s inevitable decomposition is key to the regeneration of our future.  “ Do you not hear the constant victory in the footrace of time?”  Pablo Neruda — Natures networks will solve earth’s complex challenges with or without us.” These words and this work were inspired by Paul Stamets work with the mycelium

Wind: “The Storm” Is Inspired by now seemingly more frequent storms that are hitting New York and much of the world. This portrays the possibility that things could get worse and cause catastrophic damage to both life and our environment. The quote taken from Hunter S Thompson is a cautionary warning about reluctance to change. “ The man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance” Hunter S. Thompson The Proud Highway: Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman

Water: “Seas of Change” this painting represents rising sea levels and the health of the oceans. 900 BC Nile delta cities sank due to rising waters, floods and the liquidation of the land. Mayan myth saw sea turtle backs as the origin of the earth, their endangered status represents the fragile balance of coastal land and sea levels. A quote from Octavia Butler helps illustrate the importance of accepting and embracing change.  “ All that you touch you change, all that you change, changes you. The only lasting truth is change, God is change”  Octavia Butler – Parable of the Sower

Fire: “Women in the Apocalypse” references Chapter 12 in the book of Revelations. My painting represents women warriors coming together to protect future generations from the malevolence of mankind and the fires that consume the earth. Out of the ashes rises a phoenix of clarity and rebirth. It was influenced by the 17th Century Baroque painter Cristobal de Villalpando.  The words were inspired by Audre Lorde’s teaching of unity“ Gerreras contra malvado awakening fearful souls like a phoenix transcenden